




There are different cultures and subcultures present on the Isle. Here we'll deal with the major ones.


The descendants of colonial mercenaries are now running most of the island. All the major kingdoms are Aenglish, and everyone else is either oppressed or marginalized.


The inhabitants of the island since long before the Aenglish settled, the British are still rather disgruntled about the situation.


The even more ancient inhabbitants of the lands of Alba to the far north of the island, the Pechtii these days mostly mind their own business... unless they team up with the Scottii to fight the British or Aenglish... uless they are fighting the Scottii.


The Scotts are the "Irish" who have moved into Alba. They wear patterned cloaks which they belt around their waists. These have not yet become the famous "kilts" of the Scotts. They like to fight and drink, in between farming and herding. But who doesn't?


Many ancient ledgends speak of people and cratures that predate even the Prydani whose descendants became the British. In scattered isolated places throughout the Isle, travelers may still come across settlements - or at least evidence - of the builders of dolmens and henges. Some insist that they are giants, lead by the great Gogmagog. Others insist that they are dwarves. Nobody is entirely certain that they aren't evil faerie glamours in the first place.

Faerie Folk

Perhaps even more debatable is the existance of the Faerie Folk. Many a weary traveller has told of grumbling old men in vanishing huts, of ancient and alluring sorceresses, of impossibly high and shining castles, and the like. Of course, these people get room and board for their stories, but still... might some Faerie Folk still dewell in the uncivilized western Welsh lands?




Each of these cultures has its own politics, and then there are all the inter-cultural combinations. More is known of some than others.


A short list of important characters so far seen in the game.