RULES - Heroism - Shining Armor  





The "Shining Armor" bonus

If you are more important than a peasant, you have good-quality gear. Someone (not necessarily you) must spend time inspecting and mantaining each important piece of this equipment. Anything you are going to be using when you make a die roll needs to have been inspected within 24 hours beforehand to try for this bonus. For example:

one small weapon = 15 min
one simple set of clothes = 15 min
one arms banner = 15 min
one set of horse gear, including the bags and straps and stuff = 15 min
one armored garment (unless you use a full set) = 15 min

one large important weapon = 1/2 hour
one horse = 1/2 hour
one set of fancy clothes = 1/2 hour
one set of armor = 1/2 hour

The bonus this item will then give you is determined by the skill of the person caring for the item.

Inspection/maintenance/repair skill:
Succeeed by 5 = +1 to most relevant skill roll when using item.
Succeeed by 10 = +2 to most relevant skill roll when using item.
Succeeed by 15 = +3 to most relevant skill roll when using item.

If the maintenance skill roll FAILS, of course, then you have a problem.

Inspection/maintenance/repair skill:
Failed by 5 = -1 to most relevant skill roll when using item.
Failed by 10 = -2 to most relevant skill roll when using item.
Failed by 15 = -3 to most relevant skill roll when using item.

Lazybones warning
Don't think you can just stuff your possessions away and avoid the issue. You have my eye now. If your item goes a fortnight without looking after, it will give you a PENALTY when you try to use it. If it goes that far, you must double the time taken to prepare it, and HALVE the effective skill roll of the poor schmoe suddenly trying to scrape all the rust off.


Summary of Heroic Bonuses

"Shining Armor"
Maintain your gear.

"Brand Name Promotion"
It pays to advertise.

"Famous Face"
Look cool, kick ass.

"Code of Conduct"
Be good, kick ass.

"Holy Vow"
Be pious, kick ass.