RULES - Heroism - Brand Name and Famous Face  





The "Brand Name Promotion" bonus

Note the mention of the arms banner above. If you've got one, flaunt it. A banner or shield with a coat of arms gives the bearer a chance to intimidate his opponent.

Make a Will roll vs your opponent. The roll is modified by the status of the coat of arms displayed:

You have one, he does not = +1 for you and -1 for him
Yours is famous, his is belittled by recent failure = +1 for you, and -1 for him
Yours is famous, his is not = +1 for you, no mod for him
You both have one of apparently equal fame = no mod for either of you
...and vice versa

The winner of the will roll receives +1 to ALL rolls during this combat! Huzzah!

The "Famous Face" bonus

We've all observed that in films, once a hero (or sometimes villain) removes his myserious helmet, he generally never puts it on again, regardless of common sense. Clearly the point bonus for being well-recognized is greater than the protection of the helmet.

To obtain this bonus, you must:

  1. Be a high-point character (this leaves out, for example, Nick the Shoemaker, or Ham Dunnykin),
  2. Be wearing a helmet that makes you appear mysterious and romantic,
  3. Perform a particularly kick-ass action-packed entrance in front of people who do NOT already recognize you,
  4. Remove the helmet in a dramatic "unveiling shot."

For the rest of the "chapter" (not necessarily the same as one gaming night), you gain a bonus to your Dodge or Acrobatic Dodge skill. How high a bonus depends on how dramatic your introduction was.

Skill used in dramatic entrance:
Succeeed by 5 = +1 to Dodge or Acrobatic Dodge
Succeeed by 10 = +2 to Dodge or Acrobatic Dodge
Succeeed by 15 = +3 to Dodge or Acrobatic Dodge

When the flow of the story indicates a new chaper, the bonus evaporates (this is why things suddenly get worse for the hero halfway through the story). If you fail to make a dramatic impression on your audience, if you encounter an utterly new audience, or if you place the helmet, hat, veil, etc. back on for any reason during the chapter, the bonus also goes away. If the audience already recognizes you even with a helmet on, then the bonus simply does not apply; keep it on!


Summary of Heroic Bonuses

"Shining Armor"
Maintain your gear.

"Brand Name Promotion"
It pays to advertise.

"Famous Face"
Look cool, kick ass.

"Code of Conduct"
Be good, kick ass.

"Holy Vow"
Be pious, kick ass.